Monday, May 28, 2012

sharing minimalism

as i've mentioned before,
i'm heading toward a simpler lifestyle.
discarding the unnecessary
and focusing on the most vital and important pieces of myself, my world, and my life.
i'm loving it.

i'd like to document this little journey of mine on this little blog,
with pieces of wisdom i've collected, pictures, ideas, tips, and the like.

i am not afraid to admit that i love material possessions. i love making things pretty. i love going all out on parties, getting gussied up, and adorning little things in life.
but this isn't about travelling away from those creative desires of mine,
it's about balance
and focusing on what is necessary.
being creative and prettying things, to me, is a necessary part of my happiness and wellbeing. 

it's possible to simplify and still fulfill your inner, disorganized artist!

"have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - william morris
i've been throwing away many "rainy-day" items, lots of "in-case-i-do-this-obscure-activity" pieces, and plenty of "just-because-i-didn't-want-to-throw-it-away-before" things!

owning less is so freeing.
i believe that a more minimalistic lifestyle is a source of light and wellness for human beings.
it is positively liberating.

have a happy monday!


1 comment:

  1. i LOVE this. i need simplicity and minimalism in my life. in every area. i cleaned out my closet and i can't even tell you how liberating its been. the things we own, own us. when we let them go, we are free! jared and i have a huge, HUGE step in our lives ahead of us and it is definitely on the freeing, simpler side of life. i'll share more when we are ready. give us time. but really, simplicity is awesome.


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