Saturday, October 15, 2011

the andersons

adam and i visited these two people last night.
i absolutely need to take a moment to gush about them.
i keep sending kelli gushy texts & tweets
and i decided i need to just sit down and write it out here.

 their little love nest is so much more adorable in person
 jared's bikes are a thousand times cooler in person
 it's quite difficult to ride a fixie
 kelli is one of the most genuine and sweet people on this planet
 jared is one funny kid
 kelli is oh-so creative and crafty
 i am not very good at poaching eggs
 jared is a talented bike rider
 kelli is such an amazing dreamer.

they are such loving and caring married people. they are in love with each other. no question about it. they are so open and caring. every move they make is for each other. every word they speak. they are so lovely.

i need these beautiful people in my life.
i absolutely adore them.

last night was just so refreshing,
even though i was a serious bore.

we missed the train,
so they drove us home from ogden.
what sweeties.

i left their company,
being more in love with adam,
with my life,
with my dreams,
and being more confident with everything that i am.

adam has been texting me all day about these two, as well.
{which is saying something,
because he isn't much of a gusher.}

you two are so wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh ayley i just barely saw this! i love iiiiit so much! i'm so glad you two had a great time. i loved having you over. i loved your gift to us. sharing your presence was delightful. i was thinking the same things about you all night. how much more funny adam is in real life. and how much more beautiful you are in real life! and how much fun you guys are i'm serious, you weren't a bore at all. we love you both.


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