Tuesday, March 15, 2011

baby you're a firework {silab}

i feel like i'm turning into one of those people.
the one's who cry watching a 10 sec commercial with a kitten in it.

you know,
happy tears.

da onez hataz roll dey eyes at.

so for stuff i like a bunch {silab}
let's all turn our attention to some music.

i looove music...
as does just about everybody else on the planet.
i have a soft spot for corny songs.
this very spot is what turned me on to hannah montana several years back.

ok i LOVE hmontana.

she just sings about awesome stuff. like her double life and being a rockstar.
but one of my faaavorite hannah montana songs is this one:

i literally cried when i heard it.

if i were to get into politics, the FIRST thing i would want to do would be to instate a "self-esteem" program into schools.
i talk about it all da tyme.

not just confidence and standing up for yourself in a crowd,
but that silent self love that makes you want to look yourself in the eye and tell yourself how wonderful you are.
that moment when you can't help but smile because you love being you.
that appreciation that brings you one step closer to seeing yourself the way Christ does.

when other people publicly declare that it is a-okay to love yourself,
that it is beautiful and wonderful and magical,
it makes me oh-so joyous.

it's so easy to get lost in what is happening around you.
not just the crazy stuff, but the neutral stuff too.

when you can sit back,
take a deep breath,
and really evaluate yourself,
coming out on top?
that's magic.

take care of yourself.

"remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God".
d&c 18:10

i loooove that.
it doesn't say "the worth of man", but "the worth of souls"
that is what really shines.
your strength, courage, patience, endurance, benevolence,
your true beauty...

that's in your soul.
and the worth of your soul is great.

think about this.
if there are 6billion souls on the earth right now,
think about how many there have been, total...
and we ain't goin nowhere anytime soon.
5 people are born every second, but only 2 people die. That’s a population increase of 180 people every minute of the day.
lots and lots of people.
in order to fit everyone in the salt lake valley, we would have to fill in layers,
stacking ourselves four people high.
just close your eyes and imagine that for a second.
in that crowd of people,
you are the only you.
i know you hear that all the time, but seriously.
think about how monumental that is.

from the beginning of time to the end of time,
there will only be ONE you.
nobody else gets to live your life. nobody else experiences things from behind your eyes.
that body?
it's yours and yours alone!
you spend your entire life with your own, precious body.
nobody else gets to do the same things you do every day.
nobody gets to look like you.
nobody gets to think like you.
nobody gets to be you BUT you.

you. are. a. legend.

everything you do is history.
every move you make is significant.
when somebody asks "what kind of a person was ayley yasuko johnson?"
my life will dictate that response.
everything i do answers that question in some way.

songs that tell you to let your light shine, telling you that you matter...
these songs are just telling you in so many words that you ARE a legend.
it's inside of you.
it's everything that you are.
share it.

you just gotta ignite the light and let it shine. 
show em what you're worth.
make some noise.

i think that's something to cry happytears about, donchathink? :)

p.s. if you have any songs in this same vein, feel free to share. i will love you for it. 


  1. this post made me smile. thanks for reminding us {me} that we are awesome. and i'm so glad i'm not the only one who cries at the most random things like commercials or songs or action movies....

  2. love love love. you are always inspring me, and today it was an overwhelming amount of spiritual inspiration. thanks ayley y

  3. I love love love this. Pretty much more than anything.

  4. you totally don't even know me. i'm just creepin.
    but i totally love every little thing about this. more than i can even put into words. i love it. and can't contain how much i love it. and so here i am leaving an awkward comment. hopefully you're not too creeped. :) point is, i love it.

  5. I found your blog off a friends, and I LOVE this so much!!

    Every word of it is so true.


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