Saturday, May 15, 2010

say crack again. "crack"

i realized what i want to do with my life.

i want to crack eggs.

it took me forever to learn how to crack an egg the right way.
i always messed it up.
you have to get it at the right angle
and you have to tap it {but not too hard}
just so...
and if you do it right you will get everything that was hiding underneath the shell.

the funny thing i learned about eggs is that you can't use the same method to crack all eggs.
they're all different.
one may need more pressure.
one may need less.
one may fall apart completely and you're left with shell mixed in.
one may not want to crack at first but then you finally get it.

the funny thing i learned about eggs is that you can use different methods to crack different eggs but the result is always the same.
they are cracked.
and that is what is important.

we discard the shells.
they are given back to the Earth
and the inside becomes part of something more.

it's what is on the inside that we want.

we take these insides and use them for our meringues and salads and cakes and other household needs.
we mix the viscous prize we procured
in with something bigger.

if we didn't crack that egg...
the entire thing would just become part of the Earth
and we don't know what we could have used it for.
wasted in this life.

so i want to crack eggs. 
for my entire life.

oh but replace eggs with people.
i want to crack souls out of their shells
and use them for my various baking needs.

there are some people that are easy to crack.
they can crack themselves.
they need a little help reaching the right spot to crack
but they can do it
no problem.

some people are not blessed to have the communicative abilities that i have.
some people are not blessed to have a body that makes it easy to access what is on the inside.
some people need help to find the right pressure, the right angle, the right circumstances...

i look at Noelle's life.
she had so much going on inside of her.
so much she probably wanted to say and do and express
but she didn't know how to get it out.
neither did a lot of the people around her.
i know how that feels {to an extent}...
to feel like you're inside of a shell
and you don't know how to get out so you can be a part of something bigger.

there are millions of people like this.

i want to crack eggs.

{photo via my camera}

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