Sunday, April 15, 2012

au revior

because of some recent events (that i will not be sharing)
i'm taking a break
from everything
except work and school and family.

i'm really thankful for all of the support and kind words i've received via the internet.
the blogging world is a huge source of inspiration and excellent feedback.
i love it.

but i'm letting myself find my focus, find my center again.

with that said,
don't be surprised if i pop on pinterest, tweet, or do a simple blog post until i'm ready to talk.
if i do, don't judge me based on this blog post...
i promise my will power isn't that weak.

see you on the other side.


  1. gahh i'll miss you. find that center. find it good.

  2. Immagonnabissyoutoo. You're amazing.

  3. whatever the reason, i hope it does't keep you away too long. i also hope that you're okay and that you know among the haters there are far more lovers like me, and kelli, and anna, and brissa, and katrina, and and and the list could go on forever really. call us your personal fan club because we are the real deal fans that love you dearly.

  4. I miss you already. But I have total respect and admiration for you taking whatever break you need. Actually, I have admiration for everything you do ha. But seriously. I do.

  5. Good luck girl! I hope you are happy with your decisions!!

  6. ayley, i read this on my phone a week-ish ago and wanted to comment, but technology wouldn't let me.
    oh my dear ayley, i hope you can find your center. i hope you can find the quiet and the peace you are searching for. de-cluttering your life and putting internet life on hold is a wonderful breath of fresh air. i truly hope it helps. know you are loved, you are cared for and you are amazing. you truly are. i love you. i really do.


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