Thursday, November 20, 2008

my Ten (guilty) pleasures.

1. My Blackberry.
ask anyone who has spent 5+ minutes with me. i cannot. leave. it. alone. it has become an extension of my body (one can only dream). it's no wonder they call it a crackberry.
2. Downloading Music. 
i spend so much money each month on you, music. music is therapy.  i am always craving bigger and better things. when it comes to music, what i have is never enough (not unlike a drug addict) and am always on the lookout for a new fix. its downloadable euphoria.
3. Glitter.
my inner adhd child is distracted by anything glittery. seriously, glitter is beautiful. i would draw shapes on my face in glitter, and throw glitter in my hair every day if it would not result in childish nicknames.
4.  Team Apatow
as in judd apatow. i'm talking this guy and his posse: seth rogen, paul rudd, leslie mann, jason segel, jonah hill, etc. the dirty people behind superbad, knocked up, 40 year old virgin. i don't even think they're spectacular filmmakers or comedians but there is something so charming about the lot of them all mashed together.
insane. it's essentially a webzine filled with topics ready to blow your brains out. onto the floor. never to be returned to your skull. dramatic? yeah. but check it out anyway. there are topics ranging anywhere from the stigmas of magic to delving into the concept of pain. incredible.
6. American Apparel
if i won a giant check and spent it selfishly all on clothes, i would cash it and run here. i love their basics. i love almost everything there. while they do have some crazy, ridiculous shiny stuff (no complaints here... just wish i could pull it off) there are other golden finds. sometimes literally. check it. now. 
7. Reading Blogs.
any and all. i spend entirely too much time reading about what other people know, love, and hate and absorb it all until i feel like barfing. i ignore all other responsibilities for h.o.u.r.s. just so i can read about things white people may enjoy, or some Random in kentucky and their distaste toward wilmer valderama. oh yeah, i care.
8. Pokemon.
o.m.g. i love pokemon. i was borderline addicted to my nintendo ds because i got so into earning all the badges and training my pokemon. anything involving pokemon that i have seen so far is great in my book. i really do gotta catch em all.
9. This Guy.
bo burnham. he's irreverent. don't judge me. but he is a dirty genius. if you are easily offended do NOT watch. watch here if you are ready for the nasty jubilance that is bo burnham.
10. Horror Films.
i love old gore. where the fake blood is basically kool aid. thrown from buckets. who am i kidding, i just love horror in general. i fell in love initially when i watched when a stranger calls back, a made for tv movie (of course). it freaked me. no gore, just left my imagination to torture me for months. 
what am i saying... i feel no guilt for loving these...

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